Creazione di universi paralleli, gioco di ruolo, modellismo e storia.
venerdì 2 marzo 2012
Uomo serpente "Reaper"
Voglio mostrarvi questo Yuan-ti della reaper che ho appena finito di dipingere. Il modello è molto esotico e per questo mi piace. Ne ho anche un altro della stessa serie pronto per la pittura. Ho usato due tonalità di verde uguali per virarne una sul color osso e una sul giallo limone. Spero non sia troppo monotono.
Like *Dungeons & Dragons, Traveller *assumes that a new character is
generated through a series of dice rolls – 2d6 in this case rather than 3d6
– for ea...
The Road to Warhammer... and beyond...
You may have wondered what happened to this blogger. Did I vanish after a
period of jaded frustration, disappearing like a whiff of magical smoke?
Was ...
Terrain Tuesday - ww2 bits
Terrain Tuesday
A bit of terrain completed before Christmas. A few roadside shrines, the
cross is metal and possibly Ral Partha the Madonna is plastic. Th...
Landsknecht Command
This unit has been a little delayed, I meant to complete this command when
I revived my Landsknechts last year, more of that here.
However, in the int...
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2024!
I'd just like to wish all you fine folks a very Merry Christmas and a very
Happy New Year. Thanks for all of your support this year and here's to more...
A new unit of Lothern Sea guards
I have painted another unit of Lothern Sea guards.
I went with the same colour scheme as the previous unit so I could mix and
match miniatures between...
Age of Sigmar - Arcane Cataclysm
Heh... to be honest, we don't really celebrate Xmas around here... but it
kind of felt like I was buying myself a little present today... and, it's
that ...
Company L, 7th Cavalry.
I've had to make a few tweaks to this company, mainly shopping out the
spare officer to use in a different unit. Counting through my undercoated
DCC Christmas Judge
I threw this together and posted it on my Patreon. You have to have a
membership to get it, but you can become a free member, get your swag, and
then end...
It's all in the planning
After 2 weeks at the club, re-fighting 1st Manassas or Bull run if you
prefer, organised by Neil B. It was great to dig the collection out of its
Classic D&D Adventures in Real World Settings
Lately I've been thinking about how well some classic adventures might
adapted to real world settings. By real world, I mean historical
fantasy--I'm not...
KoW- reinforcements
I've decided to add some red goblins to my ogre army for Kings of War. I
am not a fan of many of the Mantic ranges but the new goblin range is one I
do ...
Just a quick PSA announcement
Hello All,
I just wanted to alert everyone that Spartacon also known as "Deathcon" for
the STAGGERINGLY bad weather events customarily associated with i...
Old School Warhammer 40,000
Last year I got some Rogue Trader era imperial guard models as a trade for
painting. They were mostly assembled, some had bits missing and others had
A few random figures
It is the end of the year, I think I'll manage another post next week and
it will be it.
This year's productions has been pretty good, I did quite a bit...
Warlord Games Prussian Landwehr
These are supposed to be with the 4th Silesian Landwehr Regiment. Not sure
if they wore the stovepipe shakos, but added a few for variety.
Picked thi...
Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge XV
Winter has arrived and the prep for this year's Analogue Hobbies Painting
Challenge is underway. Having joined the lists again I am needing to find
500 p...
Challenge XV's Theme: Dante's 'Divine Comedy'
Hi All,
For this years theme we'll be following Dante's journeys through The Abyss
and Paradise.
Our resident mapmaker Sidney Roundwood is currently l...
My first batch of Dark Eagle Space Marines
They're already almost halfway as far as the Black Dragons made it.
As mentioned in my last post, I have a new space marine army that I am
working on...
Night Goblins from Warblade Miniatures
I wasn't sure what colors I wanted to use, so first I thought I'd test a
few ideas and settle on which one to go with. But then I decided to keep
them a...
The Akinji
Today's post is the second part to the Balkan Cavalry post from a couple
months back:
Hello world....more Burgundians anyone?
Well, hello again... I have been making some progress with my
Burgundian-Swiss figures recently and so I feel it's incumbument on me to
restart a few posts...
Beja completed!
This week I have finished the Beja contingent for the Mahdists - I've
halved the Mahdist lead pile! It's not the end of painting Mahdists for a
while lon...
Some toasters
Another batch of battlemechs, which my wife christened "toasters" because
of their resemblance to the Cylons from *Battlestar Galactica*.
These guys were...
Deadcember 2024 - The Plan
My plan for Deadcember 2024 is to paint these (mostly) old vampires. And
the one dreg, because vampires need a minion. I also have a couple of newer
Turnip28 - 5th Deathcap Line Infantry Tester
It's been quiet on the Mumblings of late. I've been deep in the mud of
Cyst, the setting for the eccentric, delightful game; Turnip28. A dystopian
More Little boats: Poleacre and America's
A polacca through it's first stages before basing, priming, and painting.
A little houy.
I finished assembling and rigging a few more ships including a lit...
Fire Forge Samurai Minis
After watching the new vesions of Shogun I was once again hooked in the
Feudal Japanese history and the later Sengoku period 1540 -1600.
Ofcourse the...
Prussian reinforcements (1)
Fresh from the inspiration of last weeks game I've been working on some
more Prussians for the 6mm Napoleonic collection. All the miniatures are
from ...
Rise of the Khaös Deth Swordwraiths
Khaös Deth Swordwraiths - ancient daemonic blades that have enslaved
disembodied cursed, rag shrouded souls to wield them. Izn-Rvn - a curse of
undeath ins...
Seven Years War at Partizan
Sorry for the lack of posts this last few weeks! I have been very busy
getting the, Seven Years War, demonstration game ready for the 2nd Partizan
show ...
More Sci-Fi City Estate
I've been making a a push to get my Sci-Fi City towards a place of
"completion", as in finish the buildings and scenics I already have (which
is more...
"Lust for Glory" at Colours
Here are a few shots of the first test game of the "horse and musket" rules
I've been working on, tentatively named "Lust for Glory."
This was the fir...
Dronningens Livregiment
Another unit for my growing Danish army... Warfare Miniatures, of course!
The mounted officer is from one of the Cuirassier Officer packs (tricorns &
Concerning the Future of Traveller
I have been a fan of Traveller for a long time and have bought various
books over the years from just about every Traveller licensee, as well as
from Ma...
Realm of Chaos Campaign : Battle reports
Hi, two weeks ago with Slaanesh_Child and I, we played the four last
battles of the campaign started in February this year. A great campaign
finish with ...
Tabletop Terraformation
Only God, the poet writes, can make a tree. But you can make or buy all
manner of miniature facsimiles that will enhance your wargame table and
make your...
The Old World - How I feel 4 months in
Hello! It has been almost 4 months since my last post. Obviously this is
disgraceful, but it's hardly my first offence in this regard, so let's just
ZOTHIQUE 17 - Il Bardo di Cross Plains
Dietro una bella copertina di *Giovanni Valenzano* (valente creatore del
sito “I Libri Italiani di Robert E. Howard”) ZOTHIQUE riapre i suoi scrigni
su ...
Another quick post. Good chum Colin gifted these lovely resin pieces to me
(thanks mate!). These were beautifully cast and very straightforward to
paint us...
2nd Battalion Regiment de Dauphin
It's been a while since my last posting due to life getting in the
way...and it's been a while since I splashed some paint on any figures, but
I thought it...
Reiksguard Unit Complete!!
For my January submission to the Call of the Crown painting challenge I
have produced a unit of 15 Reiksguard knights to act as the elite heavily
E' tantissimo che non scrivo qua sul blog, ed è abbastanza emblematico che
queste siano le stesse parole con cui ho iniziato il post precedente.
My Painted Maximus....
Ahhhh you probably guessed this one was coming as the general.
While a cool model, its also another of the major disappointments with
Warlord Games and th...
Merry Skifness
It seems that we have had now our final dance at the Belmont Railway Club
after many years of cheap ales and even cheaper music performed by the
Abiørn's Satchel
This weathered leather satchel is tooled in nautical designs and is full of
rose-colored salt. Rubbing the salt on a sea creature will dry it out and
The Cynical Seven - Desperados Gang
*"The liquor's all gone boys..."*
Finished up my Desperados gang for Dead Man's Hand. Just a few pics to
share as I didn't get too many to turn out that ...
Review: Oathmark Goblin Wolf Riders
The Goblin Wolf Riders are the first Oathmark models I have bought and I
purchased them specifically to add hobgoblin light cavalry to my Chaos
Dwarf a...
37+ Patio And Landscaping Ideas Pics
*37+ Patio And Landscaping Ideas Pics*. Your outdoor living area should
look great, but it should also be functional. Get patio landscaping ideas
from t...
326 BC The Battle of Hydaspes
Just posting a few images from the game we played yesterday afternoon, The
Battle of Hydaspes, where Alexanders veteran army fought the Indian King
Witcher 3 "Geralt" painted up
And the second miniature from the SAGA collectibles from Stronghold
Miniatures is painted up.
Pretty happy with them both, I was thinking how to use them in...
Review: Elven Earthbound
I was recently fortunate enough to be donated a rather spiffy Earthbound
This badboy is one of the iconic figures from the Leviathan range and...
Quick Build of the Kauth ATV
Built this quickly last night just to verify the color scheme. Still some
adjustment needed where the tracks attach but it's minimal. Still very
Games Workshop and Plastic Waste
This is an awareness raising post.
So before I started writing this I did a Google and this petition came up,
and is still live.
WinterCon 2020
Lo scorso fine settimana la LudicARS ha organizzato la terza edizione di
WinterCon, una convention molto partecipata a base di giochi da tavolo, di
ruolo, ...
Nualia Tobyn
Nualia Tobyn era una trovatella Aasimar cresciuta da Ezakien Tobyn, il capo
pastore della città Varisiana di Sandpoint. Di recente è stata indagata per
Troika! review/overview
As an avowed Advanced Fighting Fantasy fan, I've been a big fan of Daniel
Sell's Troika!, even though I've STILL not got it to the table. It's a
really te...
The Gloomspite Gitz Invasion - Moonclan Grot #3
The next grot has joined the invasion. This little fellow is from the
boxset and was a bit of an experiment in changing up a couple colors from
the other ...
Squarehex 2019 Review and 2020 Plans
2019 was a good year for the business. The two highlights for me were
getting *The Black Hack Second Edition* rewards sent out to our Kickstarter
backers ...
Yearly Wrap-up: 10 years of blogging
Unless I have counted wrong, this is the tenth year of bloggoholism. Many
twist and turns in my personal life, the blog has stayed somewhat on track.
Many ...
Hobby catch up Halloween 2019
Hi all, just a quick post to say I'm still alive and kicking!
I offer some pictures of work I have completed since last time, some of
which are rather appr...
15mm Savage Northmen Cavalry........
*.....from the north and Copplestone Castings!*
*Lots painted but blogging is becoming a little harder to achieve lately
but anyway let's be getting on......
Whence the Labyrinth?
Dungeons are probably the most common adventure locale in role playing
games; they were the cornerstone of every adventure in the early days, and
remain po...
Pulp Patrons - Supporting Cast.
A Pulp Hero is always in need of support, advice and indeed, an employer.
Next up is a small selection of patrons, professors, allies and
This is only for followers ...with thanks!
Thank you for following and here are a few newer [ish] pieces which I do
hope you enjoy.
They are in no particular order and if some appear to be 'older' i...
L'Isola di Doverich 2.5
Cose per cui il blog continua a essere utile: piattaforma per condividere
con dei piccoli messaggi aggiuntivi i contenuti caricati su drive.
(*riflessione ...
And Now the News Draft Download on Patreon
It's self-styled Throwback Thursday and *having just released the 34-page
draft booklet of Hill Cantons news to my Patreon backers* I am going to
indulge m...
Hearts of Wulin Kickstarter
*Hearts of Wulin*,* an RPG of wuxia melodrama, funded in less than an hour.*
Driven by the characters’ duties, desires, and entanglements with other
Mortal Gods - First Playthrough
So my mate, Alan, has been waiting with fevered anticipation for this to
arrive and so when the postie delivered Mortal Gods (originally by a
company ca...
HMVS Cerberus
Updated online history section at the Royal Australian Navy website here:
* Cerberus *
We moved to Toril, new Forgotten realms campaign
So, tonight the second session of the new campaign will take place.
We already met twice for this new adventure taking place in Toril, the
first time was ju...
Warlords of Erehwon: the Aftermath
Guest Post: My friend Albert wrote a great little short story recounting
the aftermath of our first game of Warlords of Erehwon, which I posted
about a cou...
Liquori e alcolici
In tutte le locande, osterie e birrerie di Doramarth si servono boccali e
boccali di alcol. E' la prassi.
Se per gli umani diventa anche una ossessione, pe...
Core rulebook PDF updated
The core rulebook PDF was updated yesterday to take the latest errata into
account. I really appreciate that Cubicle 7 decided to take this route
after ind...
The Curse of Strahd: segreti
*The Curse of Strahd* *segreti *è stata spostate qui:
I dadi RuneQuest
Mentre in America RuneQuest cambia per l'ennesima volta nome e in
Inghilterra ci si appresta all'ennesima nuova edizione, sono arrivati i
dadi marchiati Ru...
lecithin moisturizer recipe
Do you have to be compelled to wash your hands often? As a nurse, I in all
probability wash my hands a minimum of twenty times every day.
Read About Enz...
Team Yankee
Ok Mark Piper and I played our first game of Team Yankee in nearly 3 years
and had a ball. We play in 20mm but don’t make any changes to ranges but
Turismo tra storia e serie tv
Era il 1995 quando uscì nelle sale cinematografiche il kolossal, di e con
Mel Gibson, “*Braveheart*”. Nel 1996 il *Wallace Monument*, torre eretta
sulla ...
Quartermaster General - The state of the Empire
So further to my last post here is a rough breakdown of the various units
that I have. Most need to be painted or revisited, some do not;
45 x Carroburg Gr...
Dark Sun Dwarf
What seems like many moons ago, I sculpted a Dwarf that represented what I
felt one from the D&D Dark Sun world would look like. It took awhile, but I
Sharp practice 2
Two pictures from a small game of sharp practice. The british were
attacking an american farm. Using the stats from the War of 1812 supplement.
Hinterverse, a Glossary
Antikytheron, the
Core prognostication device of the Great Machine, origin unknown.
Arcturean Arm
A minor spiral arm of the Hinterverse.
The birth...
French Line Infantry
Here are two battalions of 1812 to 1815 French Line Infantry. The figures
are all Perry Miniatures, a mix of plastic and metal and most of them...
Conquest is on Saturday: ADLG Late Romans
I'm finally attending a Conquest again. I always used to play Flames of War
but this seems to be AWOL. If it is there, it must be a secret club. So
here i...
October already?
The annual update was meant as a joke initially, but has become a sad
This year blogging has taken a severe hit by Photobucket's policy change.
Dolmenwood: The Book of Monsters So Far
Since the announcement of the work on the Dolmenwood book of monsters in
*Wormskin* issue seven, I've been meaning to write a quick blog post about
Capture the women.
Recently we played a game set in the Dark ages.
Rival claimants to the local throne met in battle with their followers
beside them. The battle, to a large ...
Something SUPER different.
You nay have realised form the lack of posts that my painting and posting
mojo really isn't where it once was. I am still enjoying gaming and
honestly I do...
#RPGaDay 2016
How do you roll?
Mainly real dice. I used a diceless app for WFRP3E as it was cheaper than
buying the custom dice FFG sell for that game, but it wasn't the...
The Walking Dead: No Sanctuary, Michonne
Michonne from Cryptozoic's board game The Walking Dead: No Sanctuary,
based on AMC's series The Walking Dead. Painted for the Kickstarter and
Reverse Engineering: Line 6 FBV2
The Line 6 FBV2 is a control pedal for use with older Line 6 amplifiers and
effects processors. I bought it to use with our Line 6 Amplifi 75 guitar
Torneo per D&D 5 edizione a Este in Gioco 2016
Ciao a tutti, il *14 e il 15 maggio* a Este in Gioco si disputerà un torneo
di Gioco di ruolo con ambientazione l'italia del 1600 sul lago di Como dal
Bud Light Platinum: nectar of the demigods
I've already gone on the glorious record (where else but here?) calling
coffee (oh sweet sweet coffee) drink of the Gods. So obviously the next
drink I wa...
Terminale e Hover transpallet
Per giocare bene a Pulp Alley servono obiettivi (almeno 5) e vari elementi
scenici. Ho iniziato quindi, piuttosto lentamente, la costruzione di un
tavolo a...
Il Perlone 2015 assegnato a Beppe Grillo
*Beppe Grillo*, ex (?) comico e leader del Movimento 5 Stelle si è
aggiudicato il Premio Perlone 2015, bissando la vittoria già ottenuta nell'edizione
2016 - The Year of Mediocrity
Happy New Year, I guess.
Better late than never. I mean, if you wait long enough, it will be a new
year somewhere, right? Now that I think about it...
New Old Game - Kryomek
In the early nineties their was a neat SF game called Kryomek. It features
aliens who look a lot like the ones from the "aliens" movies vs. humans.
The Last Kingdom and Sagas of the Northmen
Bernard Cornwell's Saxon series features a Saxon born, Viking raised hero
named Uhtred at the time of King Alfred. It has been a great se...
The Tar'Bukhi
This is the second creature created and added to my new *Patreon* project.
You can support my monster making and give it speed
All'inizio pensavo di ringraziare nei commenti all'epilogo, ma alla fine ho
deciso di dedicare un post a tutte le persone che hanno contribuito a
rendere s...
All things must pass...
As George Harrison once sang... All things must pass...
It is with a measure of sadness that I announce my retirement from war
gaming. Over the years I hav...
Modular Lego Dungeon in the Works
I'm working on a modular Lego dungeon set for my kids and I to game with. I
had several castle sets as a kid, so I have lots of grey pieces to work
with. I...
Minibastarda - La Torre della Rondine
*"«Hai qualche ferro adatto a lei?» «Nella mia fabbrica non si producono e
non si propongono ferri che non siano adatti», rispose orgoglios...
Not going to be maintaining the FF blog on Google anymore. Mainly because
of this which seems to be the thin end of the wedge.
Gaming Boards
in the past weeks I tried to put together some terrain elements and some
different gaming boards, mostly focusing on 15mm stuff.
My main goal was to cr...
No purple, please
E così, è successo.
Questo blog langue terribilmente, mesi di deserto, i mesi ancora prima
passati con un post ogni morte di Papa... Ho deciso di *dare un...
D&D: Gaming on Skype
Yesterday I got my first D&D game on Skype.
I had a blast, even if the conditions were far from optimized.
This spurred a reflection on what is needed for an...
Lion Rampant test game - Angry Highlanders!
We managed to get a quick test game of Lion Rampant played at the first of
our monthly 'Friday Night Firefight' at Wayland Games. Chris (the only one
Unit of Beardlings
These are Alternative Armies Young Dwafs with a champion from Heartbreaker
mins. Alternative Armies recently re released these. Great little mins to
Il trailer disegnato male di "Prussiani VS Alieni"
Per farvi capire di cosa parla *Prussiani VS Alieni* ho realizzato questo
trailer a fumetti...
Il trailer appena letto lo potete rileggere anche QUI. Ah, ov...
Kelmarsh 2014
Every year I team up with the chaps from Rushden Phoenix games club, and
put on a game at English Heritage's event History Live, held at Kelmarsh
Hall No...
Cari amici di La Grande Quest Inutile girarci attorno. Non c'è più il
tempo, né l'ispirazione per alimentare questo blog. E' stato divertente e
faticoso e ...
DM Master si trasforma
Come alcuni di voi sapranno, collaboro ormai da anni con la rivista DM
Magazine. Una collaborazione che mi ha permesso di conoscere tanta gente
Sculpting a Hydra
In the way that I have way more hobby time than i have hobby funds, I've
decided to sculpt a Hydra.
I'm not a fan of either the old metal Dark Elf Hydra or...
Bash 'em, lads!
Wargames Foundry had an interesting range of fantasy miniatures some time
ago, unfortunately a lot of it has disappeared, including the orcs. One of
them I...
Settore Calixis – Solomon - House of Dust and Ash day611.year816.Millenium41
È il collasso, è l’anima che viene inghiottita dal buio, fagocitata dalla
Game over.
It seems like something I've been avoiding for a while now, so let me just
start with a story. We all like stories, right?
So the story goes like this: ...
The battle of Milan 1522
We played a big Pike and Shotte game up at the club on Sunday.
I set up a semi historical scenario based on the battle of Bicocca.
The rules were fun and not...
Mondo Sotterraneo #1: Mare Monstrum
Ottobre è stato decisamente un mese povero di post per questo blog. Oggi vi
svelo il motivo. Verso fine settembre ho iniziato a collaborare con Mondo
II Trofeo "i minimondi di Capochino"
Ladies and Gentleman, such as five o'clock tea in September is time for
the contest organised by I minimondi di Capochino.
The partecipation is totaly fr...
WIP Kindarrian commander
I've done his banner bearer, so i thought it was about time i started on
the actual Kindarrian commander!
The horse was shown some posts ago. For the actua...
Trying out a kickstarter
If you frequent TMP much you'll have noticed that Kick-starters have taken
off in a big way the last year or so. Up until now I have quite happily
avoid th...
Sicurezza su lavoro III...
Eccoci con il nostro consueto corso comoriano sulla sicurezza sul lavoro;
oggi visitiamo un’officina meccanica…
Per prima cosa dobbiamo prestare massima ...
Flames of war - open fire Germans
I was given this as a present for Christmas (after some rather in subtle
hinting from me) Mrs Kipper treated me, like many of a certain age I've
had/ playe...
Hello to all. Perhaps you don't know, but "our" Kev Adams is in a bad
situation...and needs our help. This is the reason why the project Goblinaid
Panoramica dell'esercito
Mentre il mio esercito è in continuo rifacimento, specie di tutti i pezzi
vecchi ecco una foto con l'insieme di tutto quello che c'è di nuovo, manca
House Rule: Torches Shall Be Consumed!
I've always considered *timekeeping* pretty annoying in old-school gaming:
keeping track of turn-based spells' duration, shifting from rounds to turns
Forest Keeper su Amazon!
*Forest Keeper su Amazon!*
Non mi ero accorto che Forest Keeper è ora disponibile anche su Amazon:
Forest Keeper "Salviamo il Grande bosco!"
Un'altra volta ancora
Ben ritrovati su Yellow Robot Paint.
Sono stati mesi difficili e lunghi (ben 5).
Un pò tutti soffriamo per il doppio attacco, da una parte quello al
Che fine ho fatto... Various WIP..
Ciao a tutti ragazzi,
alcuni di voi mi hanno chiesto che fine avessi fatto e beh, devo dire che
ero (di nuovo) in cerca di un lavoro.. Purtroppo la crisi ec...
Elezioni regionali in lombardia 2013
Fratelli d'italia.
C'ho pensato un po' su e credo sia giusto iniziare citando il nostro inno.
In realtà, mi rivolgo ai concittadini della lombardia. Io sono...
A New Blog - Formigny 1450
Hi everyone,
Just a quick message to say I've started a new blog based around the battle
of Formigny in 1450. Here's a taster:
It can be found here: http...
Back from AWOL.
Hi everyone, it has been too long. I got a chance to kick around the house
today for the first time in months and decided I would make it a priority
to po...
Creeks and Streams
While surfing the web, I came across the Harper's Weekly blog. These fellas
are doing a Gettysburg project - which seems totally awesome to me!
Anyway, bes...
Kirsten Acquisces to the Request.
Kirsten listened intently and shrugged. She had no desire to search that
slaughterhouse again. She had seen less gore in the shambles near her home.
Alfred the Great - 1969 Film
Its very disappointing when one gets a chance to relive a cherished
childhood memory, and it doesn't live up to one's recollections. That is
the case for ...
It tastes just like I dreamt it would.
Hello out there in internet land. Not that I think that we really have any
dedicated readers who tune in with any sense of regularity, but incase I am
Sorry for the long silence, I moved again for work. Quite close to the new
town I live in I found a comics shop which sold me two absolute goodies
such the...
27 Novembre 2012 - Nota del Master -
Abbiamo riprovato a metterci attorno al tavolo da gioco, ma per una serie
di eventi, circostanze, combinazioni la cos...
Orpheus Reborn: Meat Wagon, Pt 2 (Zombie Fiction)
As Williams worked on the patient and called in, the police officer gave a
shudder. His body convulsed then lay still. Williams tried to find a
pulse, bu...
Disgustosi gelati giapponesi:la top ten!
Siamo ad agosto,si boccheggia per l'afa e l'unica cosa che mi viene in
mente per dare un qualche segno di vita sul blog è quella di dedicare un
post ai gel...
Sojuz njerushimij...
Che dire... sono arrivati gli acquisti di Agosto... Le nuove unità SSU e
altri rinforzi per Asse e Alleati. Fuoricampo c'è anche lo scatolone di
Operation ...
its been awhile
I know I haven't posted anything in awhile but life has come along lately
and slowed much of my work down. The b-17 is coming along and I have
completed th...
Field of Battle 2nd Ed., la prova con la GNW
Venerdi scorso, abbiamo provato il regolamento *Field of Battle (2nd
edition) *con uno scontro nella GNW. Devo premettere che ero piuttosto
prevenuto su ...
The Last Post
The last post. Must admit trying to keep 2 blogs going has become a bit of
a chore. Also after loosing the impetus with my ACW project after the re
fight o...
In mezzo al mare
Infine, in mezzo al mare, i nostri eroi sono stati dimenticati da tutti. Ad
oggi, non si sa cosa stiano facendo. Forse alcuni prendono il sole, forse
O RPG Shared vem por meio desta informar-lhes que no mês de Março o blog
ficará fora do ar.
*Este blog ficará inacessível no mês de março.*
Journey to Aldorf: Campaign Introduction
Every great adventure has a climatic end...
As I write this, I Peter Mostert swear by the light that keeps chaos at bay
that this tale I am about to tell y...
Arms Race
For the past several weeks I have been working towards getting most of the
human units of the Warhammer Fantasy Norse army assembled.
There is a link to th...
Normal service will resume shortly
Hi all
some explanations for my enforced absence may be required. I have not
posted anything for the last 6 months or so as i had to pack up all my
Here we have some dastardly Hun allies for my Gothic led raiding party.
Here are the armies I have lined up for next Tuesdays game.
no Name
1 ...
Blog Harassment
I am sorry to say that I have had to select comment moderation as a
permanent feature now. I am sick and tired of being harassed by a follower
of this blog...
Abbernoth Campaign Setting
Realizing that this was initially going to focus on WHFRP 3rd Edition I was
going to avoid posting about things of a non-WHFRP nature but since I have
Roleplaying Updates
Added a couple of links to some of the clubs roleplaying websites, where
you can follow the progress of the various characters. Old world tales and Forgotte...
New early Byzantines in prospect
This, my most unloved blog, hasn't see a post for three years, largely
because I was unhappy with the figures available for the middle Byzantine
alcune precisazioni.......
Io non ho comprato una scatola di montaggio ma solo i disegni della mantua
o di altre case
le ho costruite solo (a parte alcune minuterie ) con a...
Battle Report: USMC vs Taliban (FoF)
Well I christened my new double sided grass mat this morning, as well as
the middle eastern building I built over spring break. I realized that my
Byzantine Army - Part Two
Well, I will start this blog episode with a hearty thanks to Jim aka
ColCampbell from TMP! Thanks to his advice on how blog the pictures and the
Molto bello. I miei complimenti!
RispondiEliminaTi ringrazio tanto, i tuoi complimenti mi fanno piacere :)
Molto bello!
RispondiEliminaI due verdi si distinguono bene, non sembra monotono per niente! :D
Grazie, se è così ne sono felice!