mercoledì 21 dicembre 2016

Battaglia per la miniera di Kaltenfluss - Scenario per WFB 6 edizione

Riproposizione nostalgica che consiglio di giocare con Orde Sanguinarie e lista dei Dogs of War di Cavatore.
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2 commenti:

  1. Did you know there's a 12 word sentence you can communicate to your partner... that will induce intense emotions of love and impulsive attraction to you buried within his heart?

    That's because deep inside these 12 words is a "secret signal" that fuels a man's impulse to love, cherish and care for you with all his heart...

    12 Words Who Trigger A Man's Desire Response

    This impulse is so built-in to a man's brain that it will make him try better than before to make your relationship as strong as it can be.

    Matter of fact, fueling this influential impulse is so important to achieving the best possible relationship with your man that the moment you send your man one of these "Secret Signals"...

    ...You'll soon notice him expose his heart and mind for you in such a way he never experienced before and he will distinguish you as the only woman in the galaxy who has ever truly fascinated him.

  2. gaming etiquette (also called gamer etiquette or video game etiquette) refers to the norms adopted while playing multi-player video games.



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